Party#3-Naughty Christmas

4 Gals

4 Guys

Rating: Decent

Originally the party was supposed to start at 9, but had to push it back to 10 cause my FWB job called her in that night she told me once she gets off she’s heading straight there with her massage oils. (Context sometimes at parties she offers Erotic Massages like in our other group DFW_Orgi she ended up doing everyone)So I head over to the hotel to set up for the big night, I will admit fell behind schedule a bit so the guests arrived before I finished decorating the room fortunately they decided to help me before the last 2 couples & unicorn arrive(Unicorn dropped out cause of period)& the room ended up looking amazing especially with all the colored lights. We all talked & mingled got to know one another then the 4th couple arrived & we were only waiting for the last one. When they finally did arrive before they could come up apparently him & his girl got in an argument in the parking lot, so they decided to just go home. Honestly was a bit annoyed they decided to bail at the last possible second, but they already prepaid, so they really only ended up wasting their own money. Oh well guess some people just aren’t meant for this lifestyle. After that pulled out my party itinerary. Began introduction questions(how everyone got started in the LS, kinks/hard limits, safe word, No means No, etc) After that we started playing games like “strip never have I ever” put on some music & went with the flow, so all & all not a bad night.

P.S. Almost forgot finally remembered to actually do the mystery raffle, but since no one wore their Santa hat, I just put everyone’s name on a wheel & let fate decide. Ended up going to this curly haired brunette it was her 1st Orgy. Prize was $10 gift card to Adam & Eve hope she enjoys it.

Also very soon we’ll have our website up & running to promote our group🥳🎉🎊


Party#4-Neon New Years


Party#2-Football Frenzy